combining finances

Combining Finances? Do or Don’t?

By Published On: September 19, 2023

… If you ain’t no punk holla, “We want prenup” “We want prenup!”, yeah

It’s something that you need to have

‘Cause when she leave yo’ ass she gone leave with half…

OUCH! That last line from Kanye stings and it’s not far from the truth for a lot of people. And it’s a line that makes you think at a certain point in your relationship journey – when do we combine finances? Should we even consider it?

At a young age we are taught sharing is caring but as you get older and go through life’s challenges, you can become more possessive of what you worked hard for. (yeah maybe I’m selfish). However you will eventually reach a point in a relationship where this topic comes up. Are you ready for that? Are you and your significant other contemplating the big leap of combining finances? It’s a topic that can be hotly debated, similar to popular arguments like whether pineapple slices belong on pizza. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, the decision to merge your financial life can be exhilarating and hair-pulling at the same time. You will explore the ins and outs of combining finances and hopefully sidestep the landmines this can become if not properly handled.

Learn To Navigate Shared Bills In Your Relationship

Combining finances with partners can feel like the ultimate trust fall exercise. It’s an act of saying, ‘Hey, I trust you not to drain our account on a life-sized chocolate fountain.’ The do’s and don’ts of this matter hinge on your trust and financial compatibility. Combining finances can be as harmonious as a well-tuned orchestra if you’re both responsible spenders. Your bills become a shared responsibility, and you can serenade each other with, ’Honey, I paid the electricity bill this month.’

On the flip side, if one of you is a compulsive shopper and the other is a staunch saver, combining finances might feel more like a clash of the bands. You’ll need to decide whether to create a budget that accommodates both financial personalities or maintain separate accounts for personal spending. Either way, communication is key, and a sense of humor doesn’t hurt when discussing money matters. Just remember, when it gets tough, there’s always room for a little laughter to lighten the load.

The Joint Account Saga

Ah, the joint account – a shared treasure chest where you deposit your hard-earned money. It’s like having a financial sidekick, a partner in crime, regarding bills and expenses. For some, a joint account is the epitome of total trust, combining finances with a partner and providing an easy way to manage shared expenses. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Picture this: you’re out shopping, and your partner’s impulse drained your shared account. It’s an avalanche waiting to happen.

To navigate the tricky waters of the joint account, consider setting some ground rules. Define how much money you can spend without consulting the other, and establish a clear system for tracking expenses. And yes, don’t forget to maintain a savings account for those personal splurges you don’t want your partner to know about. After all, a little financial mystery keeps the romance alive.

Keeping A Sneaky Secret Stash

On the flip side of the coin, there’s the secret stash many couples love to keep away from the other. Picture it as your financial batcave, where you keep your extra cash like a squirrel hoarding acorns. While the secret stash might sound a bit deceptive, it can be a valuable tool in the world of combining finances. A secret stash can be a lifesaver in financial crisis or when you want to surprise your partner with a grand gesture. Just ensure it’s not a secret ‘buying another jet ski’ fund. If you choose to go the secret stash route, keep secrecy fun by occasionally surprising your partner with little gifts or experiences you’ve saved up for. The element of surprise and the twinkle in your partner’s eye when they discover your secret stash is well worth the fun.

Have The Dreaded Debt Discussion

Talking about finances is already a conversation most people would rather avoid. Now, imagine having to discuss your student loans, credit cards, and the fact that you once spent a small fortune collecting Beanie Babies. Laying your financial skeletons bare can be a little daunting when combining finances with a partner. However, humor can be your ally in this situation. You can do this using tips like those below:

  • Approach the debt discussion with a light-hearted touch
  • Crack a few jokes about some of your most-loved obsessions that took a chunk of your finances
  • Share your embarrassing spending stories
  • Bond over your past financial mishaps

Remember that you’re a team now and can tackle that debt monster together. Creating a plan to pay off debts and having a good laugh along the way will make the process much more bearable.

Discuss Your Savings And Financial Goals

Deciding how to combine savings and investment can be like plotting a heist in a Hollywood movie. You both have dreams and goals and want to ensure your money works toward those ambitions. That can lead to exciting discussions or can cause financial fireworks at home. The key here is to align your financial goals and aspirations. Please discuss what you both want to save for, whether it’s a dream vacation, buying a home, or early retirement. Share your visions for the future, and create a roadmap for how you’ll achieve them. It’s like a buddy cop movie where you’re partners in crime-solving, with your finances being the main mystery to crack. If the market takes a tumble, don’t forget to share a laugh about how you’re both in it for the long haul, regardless of the financial rollercoaster. Life is already a bundle of tight nerves, so never miss the opportunity to ease up on some of these pressures. It’s amazing how these moments can strengthen your relationship while teaching you to keep your head up no matter what life throws at you.

Respect Each Other’s Financial Boundaries

Make it a point to respect each other’s financial boundaries, whether you combine your accounts or not. It’s necessary to give your partner space, especially where their financial boundaries are concerned. Believe it or not, money matters can break the most beautiful relationship, and before you know it, your ex-lover becomes a worst enemy. You don’t want that kind of enemy, especially when your secrets can become arsenals in their weapon room.

There have been moments when your partner will take your credit or debit cards without prior permission. They often assume it’s nothing to worry about, but that’s where the problem lies. You may want to come across as cool, but you are burning deep down, knowing it’s money your partner wouldn’t repay. What makes it even worse is trying to hide that you had crucial purchases to make with the same funds.


Ultimately, the decision to combine finances rests with you and your partner. You only need to ensure you’re both on the same page and enjoy a fulfilling financial journey together.


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Written by : calccrew

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  1. danyduchaine May 3, 2023 at 12:58 pm - Reply

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