collage of man in debt

Is being in debt a turn off?

By Published On: September 18, 2023

Ah, love! That magical, mystical, wallet-draining phenomenon. You see, being single is one thing. You can splurge on cat food or action figures without anyone raising an eyebrow. But what happens when you’re dating with debt? Is your romantic credit score as important as your financial one? Let’s dive into this without requiring a credit check.

Chapter 1: Swiping Right on Debt

So, you’ve matched with someone on a dating app. Your heart says, “This is the one!” but your bank account screams, “Are you sure you can afford another coffee date?” Let’s face it: dating can feel like a round of Monopoly where you’re always landing at someone else’s hotel on Park Place. But here’s the kicker: when you’re in debt, you’re not just presenting your charming self; you’re also bringing Mr. Visa and Miss Mastercard along for the ride.

Chapter 2: Confessions of a Debt-Ridden Lover

There comes a moment in every blossoming relationship where you must confess: “Honey, I have more debt than a season of ‘Game of Thrones’ has plot twists.” It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid, but the Band-Aid is attached to your credit report. How do you do it? Over a candlelit dinner or through a PowerPoint presentation titled “10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Dump Me Because of My Student Loans”?

Chapter 3: The Sexy Side of Budgeting

Who said budgeting can’t be sexy? Picture this: You and your significant other are sitting by the fire, whispering sweet nothings about interest rates and 401(k)s. Instead of “Netflix and chill,” it’s “budget and build.” Turn those financial planning sessions into a date night. Nothing says romance like a shared Excel spreadsheet.

Chapter 4: When They’re Richer than a Triple Chocolate Cake

Now, what if you’re dating someone who’s financially stable, and you’re about as stable as a chair with three legs? It’s like being a zookeeper where your partner is the majestic lion, and you’re the meerkat with anxiety. Remember, it’s not about finding a sugar mommy or daddy; it’s about being honest and not pretending you own a yacht when you can barely afford a toy boat.

Chapter 5: Debt, a Deal Breaker or a Love Maker?

So, is being in debt a turn-off? Well, it depends. Suppose your idea of a fun date is maxing out your credit card at a sushi place where each roll costs more than a small island. But if you’re upfront, responsible, and can make a mean homemade pizza, you’re showing that you’re not defined by your debt. You’re still a catch, even if your wallet is playing catch-up.

Chapter 6: Love Conquers (Most) Debts

Remember, the Beatles said, “All you need is love,” but they also had a song called “Can’t Buy Me Love.” The truth is love can conquer a lot, but it probably won’t pay off your credit card. What it can do is provide support, understanding, and someone to laugh with when you get a letter from your bank that’s not a birthday card. Love might not be able to consolidate your loans, but it can consolidate your hopes and dreams, turning “my plans” into “our plans.” It’s the kind of investment that grows over time, offering emotional dividends that no stock market can match. And when the going gets tough, remember, a partner who stays with you during your financial lows is likely to be with you during the highs – even if that high finally has a two-digit balance in your savings account.

Chapter 7: Red Flags and Green Lights

There are red flags to watch for, like if your date’s idea of fiscal responsibility is buying lottery tickets and hoping for the best. However, being in debt doesn’t have to be a red flag. It’s all about how you manage it. Show that you’re working on it, and you’re not just waiting for a rich uncle to leave you a fortune. A real green light is when someone has a plan, even if it’s written on a napkin. It’s about being proactive, not just reactive – like bringing an umbrella to a date because you checked the weather app, not because you’re expecting a rain of money. And remember, if they’re more interested in your credit score than your score in the bowling alley, you might want to roll on out of there!

Chapter 8: The ‘Debt’ Knight Rises

Imagine if Batman was in debt. Instead of the Batmobile, he’d probably ride a Bat-scooter. And instead of fancy gadgets, he’d rely on good old-fashioned detective work (and maybe a slingshot). Now, apply that to dating. You might not have a Batmobile, but you have something better: creativity. Who needs a fancy dinner at a Michelin-star restaurant when you can create a magical evening under the stars with homemade sandwiches and a free concert by “DJ Spotify”? Show your date that you can have an epic time without spending a fortune. After all, laughter and memories are priceless, even if your bank account disagrees.

Chapter 9: The Thrifty Love Potion

Lastly, let’s brew the ultimate Thrifty Love Potion. Ingredients: two cups of humor, a dash of adventure, a sprinkle of DIY dates, and a whole lot of understanding. Mix it all up with a willingness to talk openly about finances, and voilà! You’ve got a recipe for a relationship that’s rich in everything but debt. Remember, love isn’t about how much you spend but how much you care. So, go ahead, embrace your debt-ridden self, and find someone who adores you for your budget-friendly brilliance and your priceless personality. Cheers to finding love that doesn’t break the bank! 

Chapter 10: The Fairytale Ending (or Beginning)

In conclusion, being in debt is not necessarily a turn-off in the dating world. It’s about transparency, responsibility, and the willingness to share a pizza rather than splurging on caviar. Remember, if Cinderella can find love without a penny to her name (and with a curfew), there’s hope for all of us debt-ridden romantics.


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Written by : calccrew

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  1. danyduchaine May 2, 2023 at 1:43 pm - Reply

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